Tuesday, September 4, 2012

GLUE Journey - Do Business Defence

I promised to start exploring GLUE Journeys on the Island of Do Business Defence, and tried to apply a story like construct. I underestimated the difficulties I have to write that story like, so I decided to change the concept. Total dry approach now I fear, but at least started. The first step in the GLUE Journey in the GLUE Space of 72 steps be looked at.

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”,
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
So to get it started here a diagram showing how the information flow is between Do Business Defence and the other GLUE deliverables:


  • Do Business Defence follows basically the Nike Process for Business: Just Do It.
  • Do Business Defence checks if Do Business Defence has been done right, e.g. reporting, analysis or audits.
  • Do Business Discovery supports Do Business Defence to adapt to new things, as touched in Innovation and GLUE. Transformation and Test belong here.
  • Develop Business Defence provides Do Business Defence the needed to support and defend As-Is.
  • Do SoS Defence follows also the Nike Process for the System of Systems. It does provide the System of Systems support for the Business Deck.
Very important is that this concept assumes that a specific content can be mapped to one GLUE Deliverable. When I look at Deliverables i usually find them providing content in the whole GLUE Space, actually including people. The whole concept just helps me to understand how information is tied together: Reality is that nothing is certain and information is usually only partially available. It is a pure artificial construct to understand and map information and helps to seek for the right answers.

If I do not understand the current way of working in Do Business Defence I look in my mental GLUE model into the places where the current way of working in business was created (Develop), is supported (SoS), was transformed (Discovery) or how it is looked at (Detect).

On this area I know that I need input, because it is only clear to me, but I have not found a good way to represent it. So I usually keep it to myself, but this blog is about finding out how to express it (if there is any way to express it).

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