- Power is about control and authority which limits people.
- Process is about faster, higher and stronger which spins people faster.
- Project is about moving which changes people.

So what is the chances to escape? Actually there is three typical ways to escape for each individual person:- Increase the power by climbing the hierarchy.
- Forcing others to spin faster, higher and stronger by becoming process owner.
- Forcing others to change by executing projects.
Being really strong in one methodology sometimes opens up for the chance to become process owner, which is great, because it allows to let other people spin faster (and higher and stronger), while the own speed more or less remains the same (except if the process owner of process management really makes process managers spin faster).
Rising in the hierarchy is the option in which typically the people are interested most. First of all it is the option which has the highest chance to increase income significant. And it is (and makes) attractive, because it gives direct power over others.
The interesting (and potentially relevant) observation I make in most cases is that one who is advancing either in Project, Process or Power terms is normally picking up the behaviour of who was leading him in respect to that particular force. It takes some time to free up and leave the old approaches behind and actually many who are in the position to control one of the forces never advance.